October 19, 2006

Colorado, maybe? Tennessee?

This is pathetic.

Over there in the fridge door is your basic condiments: jam, mayo, Italian salad dressing, etc. And, of course, the Brita water pitcher and a bottle of wine. On the top shelf of the fridge would be dessert wine someone gave me THREE YEARS AGO. I’m going to guess that I should probably get rid of it. Considering I don’t drink dessert wine . . . especially dessert wine that’s been sitting in my fridge for 3 years. Does dessert wine go bad? How many more times do you think I can say dessert wine?

This is a little less pathetic.

You have your boxes of rice and cous cous, and cans of corn and beans, to go with the chicken and fish that you don’t have. You have your soup, a couple almost empty bags of crackers/pretzels, and then, of course, your peanut butter. (Um, that “you” would be moi. I got carried away, sorry.)

This, my friends, is a pretty good indication of what my fridge and cupboards look like year round. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my eating habits. Mainly because they’re horrible and I need to change them BUT I’m at a loss with WHAT to buy when I end up in the grocery store. I always get the same stuff . . . things that can be made/put together quickly. I must say, I’d love to come home and cook a lovely little meal for myself each night, but that’s just not going to happen. Especially when I’m getting home at 9:00 most nights. I’m sick of ordering out. I’m sick of soup and toast. I’m sick of omelettes. I’m sick of chicken/cous cous/corn. I’m sick of veggie patties.

Advice? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

I’m thinking Fresh Direct might be the answer. I’ve used them a few times and they’re awesome. But, doesn’t that eliminate the fun of grocery shopping and standing in aisles indecisively??

I think that all of this is just an indication of how speedy things have become. Everything in my life seems to be go-go-go. I have to do this by this time; I have to be there by this time; I need to hurry up or I’ll miss my train; It’s 9:00 p.m., I’m hungry, what can I eat RIGHT NOW?! It’s getting annoying. I’ve been daydreaming lately about moving somewhere quiet and slow-going. Where there isn’t so much pressure to go-go-go.

I wonder if I would miss the go-go-go.

Yup, I'm sure I would. I'm pretty sure I'm just tired from deciding to start tidying my apartment at midnight last night. I mean, I couldn't have started any earlier—there was perfectly fantastic television viewing to be done.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

You're pretty.