Can one write a “birthday blog” 3 days after one’s birthday? Um, I’m pretty goddamn sure one can.
First off, thank you thank you Cris: Birthday wishes for my BFFFF. And thanks for coming into the city with the champagne this weekend. I had a spectacular, if not a little fuzzy, time.
I took Friday off from work because there wasn’t any effing way I was going to be at my place of employment for "MY DAY."
So, due to my complete lack of imagination, I’ve decided to rip off Cris and put down my own list of 27 wishes for the next year. Get ready for it, this list is sure to change your life . . . or at least make you want to cry.
I wish . . .
1. To never get thrown out of another bar. (Let’s just say that Friday night didn’t end well.)
2. To get my health back.
3. To make a considerable dent in my debt.
4. To remember to send greeting cards.
5. To stay in better touch with my friends.
6. To figure out what I want to do with my career.
7. To take vacations. (Yup, that’s plural.)
8. To take more chances.
9. To be more organized and tidy.
10. To stop looking back and move on.
11. To let things go.
12. To curb my spending.
13. To stop comparing my life to other people’s.
14. To hug my niece at least once a month.
15. To learn how to walk into a drug store and leave with only the thing I went in for—and not $50+ of other crap.
16. To be less ansy.
17. To read more.
18. To cook more.
19. To start drawing again.
20. To learn how to play my dad’s old guitar.
21. To figure out how to make my camera take un-crappy photos.
22. To gain more confidence in my work.
23. To realize that life’s too short to let anyone’s asshole behavior get to me.
24. To sucker someone into dating me.
25. To find a way to take down myspace.
26. To become best friends with Brad Pitt and (because I'm fond of Angelina so I can’t have Mr. Pitt) have him introduce me to Mr. Clooney AND in turn seduce Georgie until he realizes that I’m the love of his life. (Did we all get that?)
27. To start playing basketball again.
And we’re done.
I wish you all that and a bag of chips. Or, if you're still on that health kick...low-fat soy chips. MUAH!
i like your list. and although i don't know you very well, i do know that you should start drawing again. you shouldn't let your amazing talent go to waste. and that's my two cents for the day.
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