January 24, 2007

I feel right at home in this stunning monochrome, alone in my way.

I’ve obviously been listening to a lot of Ani Difranco lately.

I’ve come up with a new life plan. It goes as follows:
1. Move to Hawaii
2. Live in small bungalow
3. Work as bartender
4. Spend all free time on beach: swimming, reading, sleeping, etc.

That’s pretty much it.

Why is it that when I start feeling melancholic, I start thinking about the beach and the ocean and space and quiet?

My friend Michelle always told me that I would go through a mini-crisis in my late twenties. That it was typical. So, I’m right on track then, I guess. Good to know.

All I know is that I’ve been watching a lot of Beverly Hills 90210 (the high school years) of late, and that can’t have a positive result for anyone. Damn DVR has taken over my life.

Thank GOODness I don’t have a boyfriend because I just don’t know how I’d fit him into my busy schedule.


mwjetta said...

"i smoke and i drink, and everytime i blink, i have a tiny dream..."

mugwatch said...

I heart you, Melanie.

mwjetta said...

you only heart me 'cause i'm an ani lovin lesbian.