April 5, 2007


So, Kates (younger sister -- mind you, only a year and a half younger) and I are emailing today and I ask her if she's going to Mum and Dad's for Easter . . . this is her reply:

Yeah I’m going to mom and dad’s. mom started talking about how she bought these little chicken things to eat this year and I was like woah woah woah. And she goes, AND I still got ham and pineapple cuz I knew you’d be upset. So whatever. Now I have to have my ham and pineapple share space on my plate with some foreign chicken object. Puh-lease.

I totally know how she feels.

Cris: Is your Mum making chocolate bird nests again this year?


Cristina said...

Sorry, no chocolate nests. But I believe there will be little pear bunnies in our salads and nests made out of carrots.

I can't believe I just put that in writing.

Kath said...

hey kain -
who's halfdrunk? i dig her. tell her so, won't you?

mugwatch said...

Why, halfdrunk is my lovely friend, Miss. Laura. She's effing awesome -- and just happened to graduate college with your fine ass . . . was my sister's college roommate . . . was at her wedding . . . any of this ringing a bell?