There’s a large piece of shrubbery in the lobby of my office building, with paper wrapped around it. Someone bought someone else a shrub . . . and had it delivered, no less. Not a pretty arrangement of flowers but a large, 3-4 foot shrubbery. I just don’t know where to begin . . .
My ass is currently being pummeled by a cold / allergies concoction of some kind. It’s a lot of fun, believe me. That, and it’s really doing a lot for my looks. I mean, who isn’t attracted to a red, runny nose?? Hot, I say. Hot. As soon as I can figure out which drug will help, plan on me buying stock in said drug.
In the meantime, I can’t take a day off to whine because I have a shitload of work to do. And I can’t wait to finish up the cover I’m working on -- one can only do image searches of “disgruntled teenagers” for so long before wanting to strangle someone. Am I right? Why, yes. Yes, I am.
Here’s hoping things start looking a little sunnier (less stuffy) by Thursday. I have an interview, which I’d rather not sniff through. Although, sniffing all of my answers would make me somewhat unforgettable . . . decisions, decisions . . .
P.S. When I was doing my google search for the exact Monty Python quote, I found this: Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Glorious Legocolour . . . JUST. AWESOME.
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