September 28, 2007


Last night I went to see The Wailin’ Jennys concert, downtown at Joe’s Pub (awesome space, by the way). They were fantastic – their music is just so pure and beautiful. The girls seemed completely at ease and natural.

Harumph . . . I want to play the fiddle and sing without ruining someone’s life.

Seriously though, next time they’re in town: all of you are coming with me. I want everyone to experience them live. Really, really, really good.

I ended the night by coming home and seeing the explosion in my email regarding Facebook. Good God, people. I finally relented and joined this virtual community about 4 hours previously. The whole thing is pretty overwhelming to me. I spent a good half hour quizzing Gabe about Fbook and why he was asking me to become a Vampire. I don’t want to be a Vampire.

I’ve already been “friended” by a girl from high school who I haven’t spoken to AT ALL since . . . well, high school. And I’m pretty sure we weren’t much more than acquaintances then. Very, very strange. I’m not sure how I feel about a lot of people from my past (many of whom I’d rather choose to forget) getting in touch with me . . . if only virtually. (This said, hurry up and sign up Cris.)

How is it that so much of the work I do deals with a computer and the Internet YET I feel so very far behind in the digital age (and in every other aspect of my life, it seems)? Am I that antiquated? Is it strange that I still love buying CDs and going through the liner notes? Is it strange that I really miss non-digital cameras and the excitement of opening up a pack of “I have no idea what’s on this roll” photos? Is it odd that I miss answering machines and people not able to get in touch with me during the day?

I think I need serious help.

But, we already knew that.


Unknown said...

I didn't want you to become a Vampire, I was simply trying to raise MY Vampire points. I'm so selfish...

mugwatch said...

You're trying to make me something I'm not . . . and I DON'T APPRECIATE IT!!! I don't like it very much-ah!