October 12, 2007

Because I just can't get to work this morning.


I heart the weekend.


1. Laundry (Hopefully tonight – God help me, I’m on my last thong. Is that too much information? Anyhoo, I have nothing left to wear. Must clean clothing.)

2. Sleep (preferably for HOURS and HOURS)

3. Lunch with Shmoob (and beer . . . lovely beer)

4. Pay hours of attention to DVR. (We need to work on our relationship. I’ve been neglectful.)

5. Gym (Sweet Baby Jebus, I hope I don’t pass out at minute 2 on the treadmill. This could be dangerous, people. I believe this will be my first time back at the gym in a couple of months. My gut will be grateful, I’m sure.)

6. Rifle thru shit and see what I can get rid of.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to be spending more time on Goal #2 than any of the others . . . and I’m OK with that.

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