October 22, 2007

I hate your heroes.

Eff the gym. I'm going home, to eat mac & cheese and watch women cry their eyes out on The Bachelor.

My plans = Amazing.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mugwatch said...

You make no sense.

Unknown said...

I think palm trees have frinds.

mugwatch said...

Only vaginas delete their comments.

mugwatch said...

I repeat, you make NO sense.

Kath said...

this has been a delight.

julia said...

this has nothing to do with the above chain of comments, but i think i've figured out what i'm-a-gonna-get you for your birthday. something having to do with a guest blog and a batch of cookies. and by "something" i mean i make no promises because i am a totally unreliable person. but that doesn't mean i don't love you. k, bye.

mugwatch said...

I have been waiting for your guest bloggage now for quite some time (and those cookies, actually). It's rather exciting! The suspense is killing me.