November 15, 2007

My, your shoes are lovely.

I was up until 2 a.m. cleaning my apartment. My dinner consisted of a glass of wine and a bowl of ice cream. I haven't exercised more than twice a week in months . . . (and I'm lucky if I get 2 workouts in). I am the pillar of health.

And I am a tired girl. And a lazy girl. Case in point, I just ran a couple of errands in my building with two different shoes on:

I noticed the incorrect shoe-ing minutes after leaving my desk YET I made no effort to back-up and start over. Because I really don't give a shit. Awesome, right? Right.

Dude, I wish I was still sleeping.

(Man, this blog post might be my most entertaining one yet. I am on FIRE.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this post made my day!
i hope to get a chance to hang out with you soon....
matching shoes not required.
-anna d