The "eliminating complications" I can handle . . . the warm water massage I'll take a pass on.
SCORPIO [Oct. 23–Nov. 21]
Internet pundit Ariana Huffington realized that she was working too hard when she got so exhausted that she passed out and broke her cheekbone on her desk. Resolving to give herself more slack, she decided to carry just two BlackBerries with her at all times instead of the three that had been her constant companions. I request that you perform at least two similar acts of self-care in the coming week, Scorpio. They could come in the form of either eliminating complications, as Huffington did, or else adding luxurious treats. For example, you might want to arrange to be massaged in warm water by a team of charismatic healers singing you love songs and lullabies. —Rob Brezsny, Village Voice
I saw a man wearing Uggs this morning. Something about New York just got shittier. (Just kidding! I heart you applehead!)
I would just like to state, for the record, that I was not the guy wearing Uggs. Thank you.
Well, of course not. They wouldn't match your skirt.
That's a lie. I would never wear skirts because if I wore skirts, you'd be able to see my panties. QED
Very sorry. I didn't mean to offend your feminine sensitivities.
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