If you have the opportunity to run up or down one, two, or even three flights of stairs, PLEASE don't take the elevator. Seriously. ESPECIALLY if it's just one flight.
See, now, we have the same deal here, at LazyAssville, but we also have a BASEMENT where they stick the all-important vending machines and mailroom. But there is stair access there. YET, people will wait for the elevator, in their coats, ready to get outside of the building, WHEN THERE IS A FLIGHT OF STAIRS IMMEDIATELY TO THEIR RIGHT. Son of a bitch . . .
It's funny, but I work on the second floor, but we don't have stair access to our offices. I'm forced to piss people off every day. It's awesome.
See, now, we have the same deal here, at LazyAssville, but we also have a BASEMENT where they stick the all-important vending machines and mailroom. But there is stair access there. YET, people will wait for the elevator, in their coats, ready to get outside of the building, WHEN THERE IS A FLIGHT OF STAIRS IMMEDIATELY TO THEIR RIGHT. Son of a bitch . . .
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