April 23, 2008

My, how time travels.

Since getting to work (an hour late), I have:

1. Checked out all the blogs (see list on right).
2. Checked my personal email (every 5 minutes).
3. Looked for and bought my Godmother's birthday gift (shipping from India to Scotland is a bit of a financial bitch, FYI).
4. Fucked up my blog, while updating my links, and had to reformat the damn thing. **shakes fist at blogger**
5. Jumped into email-chain with two lovely friends.
6. Followed through on two work-related email requests.
7. Solidified lunch plans -- eating outside, as it's gorgeous.
8. Written this UNBELIEVABLY ENTERTAINING blog post.

I might just be the busiest person in the world. That's right . . . the world.


Unknown said...

That's the best kind of chuck chuck, by the way. Outdoor chuck chuck.

Kath said...
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Kath said...

i mean mugwatch! i'm deleting the earlier post as the correct name wasn't used. hahahaah. this is brilliant. note to self: effing blog already so as to amuse the MUGWATCH, if no one else.