October 14, 2008

Not preggers, but swollen all the same.

1. I saw 58 pregnant women on the way to work today. OK, maybe not that many . . . but a LOT nonetheless. What’s in the water around here?

2. I really need to get off the liquid crack, aka Diet Coke. I know I’ve brought it up before . . . but I’m serious this time. (Last 50 times, I was just having a laugh.) The stuff is no good. No good for you. I need to become a water addict. Easy enough. Although, I’m not ready to be preggers . . .

3. I need to become a whole hell of a lot better at keeping in touch with people. I just found out that a friend’s baby has three teeth now! Three! Teeth! The kid can now chew and I am still picturing him trying to focus his eyes. Not good friend business. At all.

4. Really need to kick-start Healthy Muggins 2008 at some point. I’m running out of time. Dinner last night: two glasses of Chenin Blanc, one everything bagel topped with butter and cheddar cheese, one ice cream cone stuffed with chocolate chip cookie dough. Yes, lovely and yummy. No, healthy and ideal. And this cold isn’t letting up so God knows when I’ll see the gym again. Feeling good. Feeling really good. Perhaps bloated and puffy will be IN this season. How ahead of the game will I be then? Very, my friends. Very.

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