October 26, 2007

Spring cleaning . . . in the Fall.

SCORPIO [Oct. 23 – Nov. 21]
Don't eat stale candy from a vending machine where it has sat for six months. Don't seek advice from people who haven't changed their minds about anything since the last century. And don't wear clothes you acquired before 2005 or cling to attitudes you adopted before last month. Catch my drift, Scorpio? You need to evade every influence that tends to keep you frozen in the past. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that it's time to make yourself fully available for the healthiest kind of future shock. Halloween costume suggestions: a grinning exclamation point, a rosebud about to burst open, a welcome sign, a religious devotee dressed in white.
—Village Voice, Rob Brezsny

Word. Well, except for the Halloween part. That part can suck it. Halloween can suck it. What? Where are my pants?

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